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产品品牌 : Bobcat山猫
规格型号 : s300
所在地区 : 上海闵行
产品分类 : 滑移装载机
美国原装进口Bobcat山猫s300大功率滑移装载机,多功能车,铣刨机,道路清扫车American original imported Bobcats300 skid steer loader, small loader. It can be matched with sweeper, bucket, milling machine, digging arm, holding clamp and other accessories to complete cleaning, milling, shoveling, digging and other work. Large flow engine and powerful all-wheel-drive system as a guarantee, can easily cope with winter and a variety of harsh environment. The car is also equipped with air conditioning, so that you can work comfortably in hot summer or cold winter. In addition, the compact and flexible fuselage can enter the narrow space operation, such as indoor, workshop, cabin, dock, farm, can be turned around. Low failure rate, easy maintenance, simple operation.